
Class Rooms

Classroom environment is home away from home for both the teacher and student. This warm, safe and carrying environment allows students to “ Influence the nature of the activities they undertake engage seriously in their study regulate their behavior, and know of the explicit criteria and high expectation of what they are to achieve.


The school library is part of teaching and learning environment. It provides resources and services that support to students, staff. Our library resources, Physical space and staff have tremendous potential to make a difference to students achievement educational equality, Social and emotional wellbeing.

Computer Lab

Computer is changing every industry on the planet. Every 21st century student should have the opportunity to learn how to create technology. It also help to nurture Creativity and problem solving skill to prepare students for any future career.

Chemistry lab

Treasure iland senior secondary cbse school has well equipped laboratories for Chemistry. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments.

Physics Lab

Treasure iland senior secondary cbse school has well equipped laboratories for Physics. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments.

Biology Lab

Treasure iland senior secondary cbse school has well equipped laboratories for Biology. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments.